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Shri Bhau Maharaj Niturkar
Siddha Yog
(Maha Yog)
Click to know moreGeneral Outlines of the SIDDHA YOGA
The importance of the Life Force (Prana)
The SIDDHA YOGA - Initiation
The Distinguishing Features of this Path
The Easy Path of the SIDDHA YOGA
ShaktiPat Yoga dikha Initiation


Chanting of God's name is the worship of the Life Force (Prana):

The sage Shri PATANJALI states in his book YOGA DARSHAN, aphorism no.2 of the first chapter:

"Yoga is controlling the activities of the mind (mind-stuff). This definition of yoga is very easy to follow (understand) and experience. There is however difference between the ceasing and (restraining) - (controlling) the tendencies of mind. In the practice of SIDDHA YOGA, the tendencies of the mind cease automatically; they are not restrained (controlled) by efforts. When the practice of SIDDHA YOGA is continued faithfully, all the tendencies of the mind get dissolved slowly into the basic vibration of the Life Force (Prana), the Spirit.

  When one is not initiated into the SIDDHA YOGA, for him there is no better way of awakening the Serpent Power, than the chanting of the holy name i.e. the recitation of the name of the Deity of one's own choice or the name (mantra) given by some Spiritual person in authority. Chanting of the holy name (mantra) should be resorted to and continued all the while, except at the time of meditation.

There are various names and various ways of chanting recitation of God's names. Chanting of holy names is done individually as well as it is done in a group too. It is quite essential to recite the name (mantra) assigned by the Spiritual master or the name of our own favourite deity. For recitation of holy name is a means to self-realisation. As stated before the practice of chanting (nam-sadhana) is by itself the worship of the Life Force (Spirit). During the practice of meditation whatsoever experience arises automatically, the chanting and the name arising within involuntarily (without any effort) is preferred to doing it with conscious effort. Importance must be given to all those practices related to the Life Force (Prana) (the Spirit) (Prana). During the practice of meditation, it should be borne (kept) in mind that a peaceful and steady posture of the body without any physical movement is an important part and step to this practice.

SAINT SHRI JNANESHWAR MAHARAJ comparing the greatness of the chanting of name with the sky said that:

"Chanting of the name is greater than the sky". In this way, SAINT SHRI JNANESHWAR MAHARAJ has praised the chanting of name. It should be considered as a subtle mode of practice which yields desired results. Therefore, everybody should always keep with him this weapon of 'chanting' of name which will enable him to cross the ocean of this material world. The chanting of name supported by the strong weapon of detachment will help him to acuqire the knowledge destroying illusion. The sweetness of automatic chanting is unparallel, untiring and enjoyable. Deliberate chanting with a purpose should be continued ill it begins to arise automatically from within. It will undoubtedly prove beneficial. Hence the siginicance of the 'chanting' should be accepted. Many SAINTS have praised it stating that it is the easiest way for salvation and self-realisation.

Praising the chanting of name SAINT Shri Rang Avadhoot Maharaj advised his disciples in the following precept:  
            "Oh! "Soul recite the name of the Lord Shri Datta with each and every breath".

In this precept SAINT Shri Rang Avadhoot Maharaj states that 'chanting' is advantageous when it is coupled up with the breathing. While chanting, if some words of the mantra are not uttered, the vibrations of the remaining words of the mantra are completed internally. In this way, it will be the worship of Chaitanya the Spirit. It will be self-surrendering supreme devotion in the form of knowledge (wisdom) at the feet of the Almighty.

Devotion is classified in nine forms. One may ask how should we identify the SIDDHA YOGA in terms of this classification. In this classified ways of devotion towards the Almighty, it is the nineth form of devotion known as total surrender to the God (Atma Nivedanam). It is praising the Spirit (Chaitanya) with mind without any thought. In this way the followers of the SIDDHA YOGA automatically perform the highest type of devotion of Atma Nivedanam (i.e. complete surrender to the God). In other words, Chaitanya (the Spirit), individual soul in the form of pure thoughtless state of mind, worships the all-pervading Chaitanya - (the Spirit). It can be said thus:"the wise (the realised) worship their own self (Soul)" (sudhinam atma pujanam).




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